Tuesday, July 31, 2007

At the speed of light

We were on the bikes tonight, and Jan Michael got a little bit ahead of me. These are the things, in order of their appearance, which prevented me from catching up: a dog, a horse, a tractor, a busy road with lots of cars, and finally, my little legs, which in the end, just. gave. out. And so, at 8:54, even though it it still light outside, I will read an Asterix & Obelix and take myself to bed.


Anonymous said...

DEAR HILARY #1 #1; the days and nights and blog showings just speed by into the furture, every day, so i am either absent or slow with commentary. snoqualmie falls was a special spot to my fokes for meny years; one time before Gayle an i were merried, they took us up there to breakfast; ALL was very good one to add to the memories. thanks fer the memory jog !
and more commentary is coming about on the 7/26 "around the world" post .
one of yor biggggest fans, johnathunpeerson

Anonymous said...

dad, you goombah, for a degree in english, your spelling sure has slipped

we'll be seeing you this weekend, looking forward to it :)