Jan Michael took today off from work, and when we woke up we thought it would be fun to drive to Snoqualmie Falls and hike around. But then we looked out the window and saw rain, so we hopped in the car and drove to Monroe instead for a visit to the Reptile House. There are lots of lizards and snakes, as well as some turtles and tarantulas and a couple of alligators, so it's a very educational date. They'll let you hold some of the snakes, and I swaggered in thinking it would be no problem and I'd stand there with an anaconda wrapped around me, wooing everyone with my bravery. But no. We looked around and I swiftly changed my mind.

I like turtles. They are cute and they don't strangle people. I was surprised to see how quickly they moved, though.

I was crouched down looking at the snake below when Jan Michael said, "Hey look at this one," and I popped up to see him holding a very intimate conversation with this very
active snake. I shrieked loudly enough to be embarrassed. It was so, so creepy because Jan put his face right up against the glass, and whatever direction he would move his face in, the snake would follow. Jan may have found his second calling as a snake charmer :)

This my brave, having-a-fabulous-time face. It's one thing to see a big snake lying still in a big heap, but it's another thing entirely to watch it climb a wall, looking for weaknesses in it's environment which will allow it to escape and swallow me whole.

Notice the snake making his way steadily to the top of the box. Sometime during this interaction, Jan Michael pointed out that actually, the snake would have easily been strong enough to pop the top (or sides) off his house if he'd really wanted to. Even while I type this the thought of that gives me the willies. Blechhhhhhhhhhhh.

My lesson for today was this: Feeling a little more brave around garter snakes does not translate into being comfortable around 400-pound pythons, and I am still a big wimp.