Saturday, March 11, 2006

News flash of a random sort

Here are some updates from around my world:

1. I really, really like my new job. Hooray!!!

2. In April, Danny and I are taking a class together at the college. If anyone else is interested in belly dancing, let us know :)

3. Tonight I have a date with my sister.

4. Today I have a date with myself at Capital Mall.

5. I haven't seen my brothers-and-sisters-in-law, or nephew, in an unacceptably long amount of time, so if you are one of them, I'd like to have a date with you :)


Anonymous said...

Cool on the new job, see you tomorrow!!

Unknown said...

wow you have alot of dates, cept I don't tend to date myself, I just age and shivel like a prune :-) (wow theres alot of puns in that sentance see if you can find hem all)