Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Revenge of the Grass


Jan Michael said...

look at my sweet wife out mowing the lawn! i hurt myself playing basketball so she took it upon herself to tackle the lawn, it couldn't stand up to the onslaught of hot legs encased in plastic armor :D

Jen said...

Oh my goodness!!! Revenge of the grass is an understatement!!! It's out of control!!! :)

Lainey said...

I will show Grant these pictures to encourage him to mow, rain or shine. The rain (and the cold! Argh!)does not stop it from growing does it? Those in the dryer parts of the country might think that is months worth of growth. Not so folks, most likely just a couple of weeks! Yikes....

Hilary said...

Right you are, Lainey! Just two weeks of not mowing, and this is what we get! :)