Wednesday, October 04, 2006

This is not interesting, but it's all I've got.

I am at war. The enemy is comprised of the thistles and dandelions in our yard. There are about 500 of them, and it's possible that number is a gross under-estimation. Lucky for me, I'm equipped with the WEED HOUND, a contraption which helps to rip them out of the ground. Even so, the eradiction is a daunting task. However, one of the many lessons I've learned the last while involves the value of tenacity and perseverence. So. I WILL NOT BE BEATEN BY A BUNCH OF RATTY WEEDS.


Anonymous said...

Yeah Hilary, we are on your side!
We have those enemies also we have MOSS, But we are losing I think. :)

Hilary said...

ugh, we have moss too. the entire backyard is moss; grass is definitely the minority. but i can only think of so much at once! :)

Danny said...

Keep up the battle you are doing great :)
The answer to your moss is lime! It should be handled carefully but otherwise is safe and effective!

Anonymous said...

this is interesting !!! i am at war with weeds too especially the ones that pop up in the thots and the heart ...been tellin every one about You and Jan Michael !!~! i yam proud !!! this is the brocklie farmer today