Monday, September 03, 2018

Saint Paul in April

The second the clock ticks from 11:59 pm on August 31st to 12:00 am on September 1st, I celebrate the arrival of fall. This year especially I'm not terribly sad about waving good-bye to summer.  Jan Michael and I have both been tired of being sweaty messes because of humidity for awhile now, and I miss sweatshirts.

What will make this year's transition most memorable is a trip to urgent care for pink eye(s) and an ear infection, wheeeee! But hooray for modern medicine and a long weekend in which to kick this crud out the door. Also, hip hip hooray for a husband who has somehow managed to maintain his health and will run out the door at a moment's notice for Kleenex and iced coffee and anything else I might want.

We've done hardly any sightseeing for ages, but there are lots of things from months past to catch up on, so...

The capitol building in St. Paul, MN is grand and opulent, more so than any other capitol we've visited so far. This first picture, though, makes me laugh because I had to crop a bunch of port-o-pots; there was some kind of rally going on later that morning and based on the long line of them, standing side by each like soldiers ready for action, the organizers were expecting quite a crowd :)
There was a tai chi class being held in the rotunda while we were there; we did not participate but it was fun to watch :) 

There's lots to see on the grounds in terms of statues and memorials, one of which is the Minnesota Military Family Tribute. It's comprised of 87 large rocks, one for each county in the state. The rocks are known as 'story stones' and are inscribed with excerpts of letters between soldiers at war and their families. As you might imagine, it's a very moving and very humbling place. 

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