Monday, February 18, 2013

Into the great wide open

Our weekend was full of some of my favorite weekend things: people we love, a good bit of laziness mixed with a healthy dose of moving about, and some seriously awesome planning for seriously awesome summertime adventures.

First, we spent Friday evening with Caleb and Jen, discussing the very important topic of camping in the Hoh Rain forest on the Olympic Peninsula and also on the coast during Long Beach's sandcastle building contest, which made me want to run right home and dig out our tent and sleeping bags.

Then, Derek and Sara stayed the rest of the weekend with us and we applied for a permit to hike and camp in the Enchantments, which is an impossibly beautiful section of the Cascade Mountains. Permission to roam around up there is based on a lottery system, so if we're lucky duck enough, this is what we'll be in the middle of at the end of July:
(Photos captured by Derek - who else? - on their trip in 2009.)

And the four of us rounded everything out by registering for the Survivor Mud Run in June:

I try not to let thoughts of future fun rob me of the fun going on right now, but man, it's hard not to be crazy excited for what we have in the works a few months down the road :)

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