Last night I went to my first ever "I Like Your Sweater Better" party. I'm so sorry if you've never been to one, because they're heaps of fun. A whole bunch of girls converged on Ivona's house (thank you, Ivona!) with bags and bags of clothes we didn't want or need anymore; we piled them all around the living room, and went shopping. I didn't take any pictures because I was too busy digging through mountains of skirts and eating oatmeal cookies and watching impromptu fashion shows, but you'll be pleased to know I used my time wisely and came home with one shirt, one dress, one pair of pants, two pairs of shorts, two sweaters, and three skirts.
This afternoon we had Julie and Jenith (our ministers) over for lunch, and that was, as it always is, a lovely time. I would have liked to take a picture of this, too, but I didn't. I'm sure I was distracted by the preparation of our very fancy, extremely labor-intensive lunch of soup and bread.