Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Mad me

I posted this picture in March after planting a whole bunch of flower seeds. All this time I've been watching & waiting, waiting & watching, and this.....
is what I get. ONE. MEASLY. FLOWER. The disappointment has sapped my will to weed, as you can see (and I'm pretty sure that jungle in the background is nothing more than weeds, either, unless the seeds I planted were for invisible flowers). It makes me cross.


Anonymous said...

i always say it's best to just weed everything and have a nice clean blanket of bark dust :P

Anonymous said...

hahahah I can just hear you saying that! You are so funny. :) Miss you guys.

Anonymous said...

a blanket of barkdust is gooood

Anonymous said...

I am sorry Hil - that is funny...I so know what you mean!

Anonymous said...

Seeds are funny - some times I have luck and other times they are all duds - I can't figure it out either!