Just before the wind storm, we embarked on our latest home improvement project, which was to install surround sound in the study. When we were at the speaker store, the sales guy took us to the room where they keep their "high end" stuff. He showed us a pair of cables that cost $15,000 and a speaker that sells for a mere $40,000. Gasp, choke, sputter. We, of course, are not in this class of sound equipment connoisseur. (Seriously, can you imagine?!)
Step one involved taking the monitor off the wall and removing the speaker that was already attached to the bottom. No more wimpy speakers in this house!
One speaker up....
Three speakers up!
Hidden wires are better than visible ones, so for the two rear speakers, Jan Michael drilled holes in the walls and, for this speaker, ran the cables through the laundry room and then back into into the study. For the speaker on the opposite wall, he had to drill to the outside, run the cable around the house, through a shed that is attached to the house, back into the laundry room, and through the study wall into the receiver. Somehow plans never seem to go as smoothly as we'd like, and when we got to the part about drilling into the shed, we discovered that we'd lost the key to let us in, which led us to buy bolt cutters in an attempt to cut the padlock. But bolt cutters don't work on locks that are hardened, so we tried to take the door hinges off, and discovered that the screws holding them in place were stripped. Finally we cut through the latch holding the lock, and gained triumphant entrance into the shed. We must have really rammed it shut after we were finished, though (to make sure the wind wouldn't blow it open), because now the door is stuck and we can't get back in. Hahahahahahaha. Happy boy and his new toy :)
I'm only pretending to be useful. How wise would it be for me to actually use a power drill on the wall?!
There are about 50 cables that had to be connected to the reciever. Jan Michael spent a lot of time doing this. The end of the job entailed going back to the speaker store, not once, but twice, because the bass they sold us originally was faulty, and then something with the receiver was screwy, but at this point we can say..... All done! Now we can have very loud games of Mario Cart :)
Tips for traveling after knee replacement
3 weeks ago
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