I took myself on a date today to the grandest, loveliest poinsettia festival in all the land. It was a great, rolling sea of red, white and pink, and it makes me glad for quiet mornings in the midst of the holiday scramble that allow me to meander to my heart's content. There were smartly dressed grandmas and granpas having their pictures taken in front of a tree made entirely of poinsettias. There were Christmas trees decorated with every kind of ornament and bauble you can imagine. There was sparkle and glitter and shine as far as I could see. A very merry outing for me :)
My friends Sandra and Kristi throw the most legendary parties, and I, somehow, am lucky-duck enough to be invited. On Saturday they hosted the annual gingerbread house decorating soiree, and I can hardly find the words to describe what a wonderful, fun, sugar-spun kick-off to the holidays it was. Maybe a few pictures will give you some idea...
Oh, and I feel I should explain the artsy-fartsy quality of the pictures: It's Derek's fault. Or, he is responsible for introducing me to a camera app for my phone which I'm unable to stop playing with, even when I try.
Sometime last week, Gayle unearthed a story written by Jan Michael in 1987 - a 'Choose Your Own Adventure,' of course - with a very exciting, and depending on the page, a very harrowing plot. Its title immediately became the theme of our holiday weekend, which, when considering the cast of characters that comprises this amazing, beautiful, priceless family of mine, was not a surprise to anyone.
I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought; and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder. ~G.K. Chesterton