Monday, May 12, 2008

The fun just keeps coming!

We rounded out our Mother's Day with a bike ride to the park with Derek and Sara. We were approached by a family who thought the cruisers were the coolest things in the world (and they are), teeter-tottered to our hearts' content, played a serious game of 'Around the World,' and turned cartwheels in the grass. A perfect way to end the loveliest of days :)

We've decided this is our official 10-year anniversary picture, and we're thankful to Derek for taking it :)


Anonymous said...

Awesome pictures, Hilary!! I am thrilled with your choice for your 10-year pic! Very cool! :)

Amanda said...

You're blessed to have a fabulous family! Great 10 year photo too!

Anonymous said...

I agree with Jen & Amanda!