Sunday, May 24, 2015


I now have a 39 year-old husband...and he has a 39 year-old wife :) 

I took this a couple of days before his birthday, and it's one of my favorites. Laughing & laughing every day at comics helps keep you young :) 
And this is what he took to work on his big day. Sharing birthday treats no matter how old you are helps keep you young, too; it's true! 
Presents do the same thing (both giving and receiving); I've done extensive research on this particular subject, so you can trust me on this :)

And now a quick popsicle recipe; I used my birthday as an excuse to make these, but I will not wait until next year to make them again! 
3 cups coffee, 3/4 cup half & half, and 1/2 cup sugar
This makes more than 6 popsicles' worth, so I suggest drinking the leftovers. And then maybe follow it with a large mason jar full of water as a means of sugar detox :) 

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