I've said this before but I must say it again: September is a lovely, perfectly crafted mash-up of summer and fall. Let's look at the indisputable proof, shall we?
My friend Halcyon and I, along with Miss Mabel the puppy, went marching up a small-ish mountain Wednesday morning and saw all kinds of green in the trees and blue in the sky, which means summer is not lying down quite yet, at least without a fight. Besides, it was hot as all get out, and I mean hot.
But then, all month long, every time I pop into a grocery store, it's nothing but mums, mums, mums, which I think must be the floral ambassador of fall. I always want to bring dozens home, but then I remember the territorial squirrels who roam our yard, and that once I planted ornamental kale in the fall and that the squirrels took umbrage to this and ripped them right out of the flower bed. Now I feel like any and all fall planting is jinxed and so I've resigned myself to admiring them whenever we're out of bread or milk.

And one more thing: On Friday I spent an hour or so reading in the front yard, which is such a summery thing to do, but I was drinking iced pumpkin spice tea at the very same time, and anything involving pumpkin is so perfectly autumnal, isn't it? Also, you can see some of the leaves that have slipped from the trees already (fall!), but hey! I drank that pumpkin tea with a twisty straw (summer!) AND my feet were delightfully bare (summer again!) but my book is about [nice, friendly, not scary] witches (fall!!)
Anne of Green Gables says, "I'm so glad I live in world where there are Octobers" and I wholeheartedly agree, but I feel the same way about Septembers, too :)